Submissions for TPD Book Award 2018 are officially closed. The call has seen 82 participating photographers from all over the world. Now it is the jury‘s turn, which will evaluate the submitted projects and choose the winner and honorable mentions.
TPD Book Award 2018 Jury
- Felipe Abreu (Revista OLD editor)
- Nathanael Coetzee (inSomnia collective)
- Angelo Cucchetto (art director Trieste Photo Days)
- Olga de Frutos (Quo magazine graphic editor)
- Walter Falzolgher (redattore Click Magazine)
- Jerzy Gaweł (director of School of Creative Photography in Krakow)
- Christy Karpinski (F-Stop Magazine editor)
- Grzegorz K. Kosmala (doc! photo magazine editor)
- Karol Liver (Prism Magazine editor)
- Adrian Mirgos (ViEWORLD editor)
- Diego Orlando (Burn Magazine)
- Bob Patterson (Street Photography magazine editor)
- David Rojkowski (LFI Magazine editor)
- Barbara Silbe (EyesOpen! magazine editor)
- Rafał Stanowski (Lounge Magazyn editor)
- Agata Stoinska (BLOW Photo magazine editor)
- Rohit Vohra (APF Magazine editor)
- Clive Waring-Flood (Silvershotz magazine editor)
The winner photographer, who will be announced in the coming weeks, will see his project published in a prestigious deluxe edition, and also presented and awarded in Trieste Photo Days.
The call for the presentation of editorial projects, books and magazines is also closed, while two calls remain open: the one for the exhibition projects (expiring on 16 September) and the one for the TPD Portfolio (expiring on 24 October).