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Istanbul. Faces of Freedom

Manca Juvan's photographs meet the Photo Library of the Civic Museums of History and Art
Civico Museo d'Arte Orientale | Via S. Sebastiano, 1 - Trieste, Italy Friday, 25 October 2024 - Sunday, 26 January 2025 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Opening Hours

October 25, 2024 - January 26, 2025
Thursday to Sunday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


The exhibition, curated by Claudia Colecchia and Francesca Avignone, offers a photographic journey through Istanbul, divided into two sections. The first section presents the contemporary images of Manca Juvan, who captures iconic locations of the city in the 21st century, such as the Bosphorus, Hagia Sophia, and the contrast between vegetation and Byzantine defensive architecture. These photographs are contrasted with historical images from the Fototeca, showcasing buildings designed by the architect Domenico Pulgher in the 19th century. A fascinating part of the exhibition is the stereoscopic images from the 19th century, offering a three-dimensional view of the city and allowing the viewer to travel through time.

The second section compares ethnographic portraits from the 19th century, particularly those by the photographer Pascal Sèbah, with contemporary photographs by Manca Juvan. The static, anonymous portraits of the past are contrasted with Juvan's vibrant, context-rich images, which not only capture the physical appearance of her subjects but also their environments, creating an empathetic and anthropological connection with the photographed people. The contrast between the immobility of past faces and the dynamic, alive portraits of today invites reflection on the historical and cultural evolution of the city.



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