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“Urban Photography: Trieste and Cities from the World” exhibition

Mercato Coperto | Via Giosuè Carducci, 36 - Trieste, Italy Wednesday, 4 October 2023 - Saturday, 25 November 2023 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Exhibition from 4th October to 25th November 2023

Opening hours:

Monday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday to Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday closed

On Wednesday 4th October 2023, at 6:30 pm, the exhibition Urban Photography: Trieste and Cities from the World has been presented.
Created with the co-organization of the Municipality of Trieste – Department of Culture and Tourism Policies, the collaboration with AIDIA – Italian Association of Women Engineers and Architects of Trieste and MuMeG – Museum of the Taste Market. With the the patronage of In/Arch Triveneto, the collaboration with Poste Italiane and the Central European Telegraph and Postal Museum.


With over 600 photos, Urban Photography: Trieste and Cities from the World, will be set up in the evocative setting of the Historical Market of Trieste, located in the heart of the city and full of atmosphere, transforming this fascinating urban place into a real art gallery.

On display will be the best shots taken from the “Trieste Audace” project and an incredible selection of photos taken from the 14th edition of the URBAN Photo Awards international contest created by the dotART association and counted among the most important international competitions.


URBAN Photo Awards is the photographic contest which turns into being the core of Trieste Photo Days. Started in 2010, this contest every year sees thousands of photographs in competition and hundreds of participants from all over the world. It is an international well-known event in constant development, one of few able to go beyond the boundaries of the web, thus providing photographers with real visibility through dozens of photographic exhibitions. Also for this edition, URBAN avails itself of a stellar jury composed by Alec Soth, Jérôme Sessini, Kadir van Lohuizen, Tatsuo Suzuki, Laura Zalenga and many others.


Trieste Audace is a tribute to the city of Trieste, the city that for the past 10 years has been hosting the International Festival of Urban Photography Trieste Photo Days.
The project celebrates the diversity of Trieste, a city of literature, of the bora wind and of historic cafés. Trieste is defined as "brave" (audace in italian) because it is a city that dares, puts itself on the line, which keeps up with the times without forgetting its origins. A city where the sea and the mountains come together in an area rich in history and gastronomic culture, a symbol of Central European culture. A city with a glorious past that looks to the future, as well as its large square that looks out to sea.

On display photos by:

Adriana Miani, Agnes Budai, Alba Basezzi, Alberto Mancini, Alessandro Ledda, Alessandro Ottombrini, Alex Stoll, Alida Volpi, Amitava Chandra, Andrea Bracco, Andrea Cipriani, Andrea Lattuca, Andrea Lo Maglio, Andreas Lotz, Angelo Mario Angioi, Annemarie Jung, Antonio Denti, Antonio Marotta, Antonio Ricci, Arianna Romano, Bernard Blasband, Bruce Martin, Carlo Traini, Carmen R Perez, Christiaan Cuyckens, Claudia Alberti, Claudia Merighi, Claudio Lucca, Claudio Pari, Clive Eariss, Cristian Cesarotto, Cristian Cuomo, Cristina Achucarro, Cristina Bozieglav, Cristina Mascarenhas, Damiano Pesaresi, Damien Jackson, Daniel Ernesto Martínez Reyes, Daniela Calò, Daniela Pia Cannito, Daniele Musotto, Danilo Giacomi, Daria Piccotti, Dario Buttazzoni, Dario Reggente, Davy Holden, Dellea Claudio, Dieter Demey, Diodato Salvatore, Duanny Alva, Elena Santucci, Elisa Medeot, Emanuela Sol Sol, Ester Pertegato, Fabio Cumin, Fabio Milani, Fabio Rossi, Fabio Viglione, Fabrizio Giglio, Federica Siciliano, Federico Mondini, Ferruccio Venanzio, Filipe Bianchi, Florence Etienney, Francesca Codogno, Francesca Fermeglia, Francesco Bambi, Francesco Munaro, Francesco Possega, Francesco Tanferna, Franco Buoncristiani, Frank Scheil, Frithjof Zerger, Fulvia Vitale, Georg Worecki, Gerhard Wagner, Giancarlo Staubmann, Gianni Olivetti, Giorgio Di Dato, Giorgio Mesghetz, Giovanna Lunazzi, Giovanni Gabassi, Giulia Cargnelli, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Giustina Wind, Greta Rizzi, Gualtiero Bohm, Ha LI, Hanka Peskova, Hans Brooymans, Harry Giglio, Helmut Oberritter, Henri Loreci, Ida Di Pasquale, Ilaria Tassini, Ilja Dombrovskij, Immacolata Giordano, Ingrid Gielen, Iryna ISky, Ivan Ferrer, Jeannette Muller, Joe Schmelzer, Katarzyna Urbanek, Laura Bolognesi, Leng Ung, Leon Gallo, Lisa Violetta Gaß, Luana Ceccarelli, Luca Cantone, Luca Dell'Anna, Luca Franzi, Luigi Giordano, Magdalena Rittenhouse, Maira Dias Ray, Maria Castiglione, Maria Cristina Guernieri, Maria Kremneva, Maria Zambon, Marian Plaino, Marilia Gurgel Oliveira, Marina Tosolini, Marino Porfiri, Mario Tarantino, Marioluca Bariona, Marisa Paoli, Mark Walsh, Mary P, Massimo Gaetano, Matt Ault, Matteo Carta, Matteo Concari, Matteo Faliero, Mauro Arba, Mauro Zonch, Maximilian Gottwald, Maximilian Naumann, Michele Ginevra, Mirela Ratkovic, Monica Sposito, Monique Jansen, Nancy Oliveri, Nicholas Wong, Nicola Ritrovato, Nicole Vittoria De Jager, Nima Ra'dparsa, Oğuzhan Hacısalihoğlu, Otello Gironacci, Paola Morsoletto, Paolo Calarco, Paolo Dellepiane, Paolo Mangoni, Paolo Maschio, Patrice Picard, Patricia D. Richards, Patrizia Pezzino, Peppe Castelli, Peter Wach, Pia Parolin, Pierre Pauwels, Pietro Palmieri, Radosław Surowiec, Rea Lamprini Papadopoulou, Remigio Giovanni Salierno, Renzo Schiratti, Ricardo García Mainou, Riccardo Moretti, Roberto Furlan, Robin Booth, Romain Miot, Romano Ovan, Ron Afnaim, Rosella Tapella, Rosie Dawson, Salvatore Montemagno, Sandro Vicedomini, Sax Palumbo, Sean Carney, Seohyun Wang, Serena Spica, Sergio Redolfi, Sharon Eilon, Shinya Isoyama, Silvana Gallio, Silvia Abbiezzi, Silvia Poggini, Sinan Onurlu, Sławomir Kordowiak, Solen Eichholtzer, Stefano De Camillis, Stefano Sacchetti, Stefano Temperoni, Sven Delaye, Tara Savojbolaghi, Tessa Risso-Restano, Tonino Corso, Tullio Andrea Sivilotti, Vaibhav Passi, Valentina Ambrosi, Valentina Biancifiori, Vincenzo Finamora, Vytenis Jankunas, Yung-Ming La


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