”URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets” exhibition
Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 1 - Trieste
Wednesday 04 October 2023 - Saturday 18 November 2023
Exhibition from 6 October to 18 November 2023
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8.20 to 19.00
Saturday from 8.20 to 12.30
Created in collaboration with Poste Italiane and the Postal and Telegraphic Museum of Central Europe, the exhibition anticipates the events of the Trieste Photo Days festival which will take place from 27 to 29 October 2023.
On view projects by:
Ulli Mosconi Zupin – Melara A World Of Chromatics Contrasts
On view photos by:
Alessandro Sarti, Alessandro Barbariol, Alessio Terzo, Alicja Warwick, Alida Volpi, Andrea Trabucco, Andrea Baldaccini, Andrea Cipriani, Andreas Lotz,Anne Karine, Antonio Lindo, Asgeir Olafsson, Barbara Mocci, Bernard Blasband, Bettina Arens-Kardell, Carlo Traini, Carlotta Olympia Pompei, Carmen R Perez, Cate Franklyn, Charlie Milner, Chiming Wang, Christian Balictan, Christine Kemp, Cinzia Petitti, Claudio Renato Oldrini, Cristina Puddu, Cristina Bozieglav, Davide Chiesa, Doc Won Kim, Eiji Yamamoto, Emilie Vernerey, Emy Maike, Enrico Carpi, Fabio Pellegrini, Fatma Salt, Federico Borobio, Giovanni Urelli, Ilaria Tassini, Ilja Dombrovskij, Immacolata Giordano, Inge Colijn, Javier Revilla, João Coutinho, Juan Carlos Ballester, Juan Carlos Pinto Márquez, Julie Kerbel, Karlynne Wintels, Katarzyna Urbanek, Laura Fanfarillo, Laura Bolognesi, Licia De Marco, Linda Buio, Lisha Sheng, Lorenzo C. Masucci, Marco Berliocchi, Marco Brigatti, Maria Castiglione, Mario Giambanco, Mark Eden, Massimo Tabasso, Mauro Zonch, Michele Sensini, Monica Bommer-Neuner, Monika Chabicovsky, Morteza Nikoubazl, Nancy Oliveri, Nicole Vittoria De Jager, Nuno Da Silva, Pablo Fanque, Paolo Maschio, Paolo Bompani, Paolo Guido Riganti, Patricia D. Richards, Patrick Vaccalluzzo, Peppe Castelli, Peter Wach, Rachel Harpaz, Ramón Cabello, Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra, Roberta Gatti, Roberto Carnevali, Rosetta Sauro, Sandro Tedde, Sofia Daniela Maria Brandinali, Stefan Lauterbach, Taranjit Singh, Teresa Molinaro, Tessa Risso-Restano, Thomas Oberniedermayr, Tiziana Sonia Spelta, Uwe Haehnel, Valeria Laudani,Waldemar Ostrowski, Yamile Alfaro Picco
URBAN Photo Awards is the photographic contest which turns into being the core of Trieste Photo Days. Started in 2010, this contest every year sees thousands of photographs in competition and hundreds of participants from all over the world. It is an international well-known event in constant development, one of few able to ‘go beyond the boundaries’ of the web, thus providing photographers with real visibility through dozens of photographic exhibitions. Also for this edition, URBAN avails itself of a stellar jury composed of Susan Meiselas, Nino Miglior, Shobha and among others Manfred Baumann, Jérôme Sessini, Alexandra Sophie, Graziano Perotti, Federica Berzioli, Alberto Prina.