Presentazione progetto “Cities”
Via Gioacchino Rossini, 4 - Trieste
Saturday 27 October 2018
18.15 - 18.45
Angelo Cucchetto, the festival’s art director and the man behind and ISP – Italian Street Photography, presents “Cities”, a fanzine dedicated to Italian street photography. The magazine is the result of the shared contribution of dozens of photographers in nine Italian cities (Bari, Florence, Genoa, Modica & Scicli, Rome, Sirmione, Stresa and Trieste). It offers a glimpse into the urban and human landscapes through selected shots from the participants.
The first three issues of Cities will be presented along with a preview of the magazine’s fourth issue, to be developed in September and October with the participation of eight mentor authors in eight Italian locations.
The project is evolving also through the special events dedicated to the Festival, the first of which took place in April for the Milan Street Photo Festival and which will also be presented in Trieste.