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StreetShoTS – Street photography workshop with Nick Turpin

Accademia Scaglia | Via Rittmeyer 7/A - Trieste, Italy Saturday, 26 October 2019 - Sunday, 27 October 2019 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October 2019 British photographer Nick Turpin, guest of honor at Trieste Photo Days 2019, will hold an exclusive street phootography workshop during the festival.

Founder of the iN-PUBLiC street photographers group, Nick Turpin  is considered “one of the best” street photographers (Phil Coomes, writing for BBC News). Not just a street photographer but also a long term commentator and observer of the street photography scene Nick Turpin is well placed to lead you on a journey through your own street photography practice.

Nick will encourage you to explore ‘why' as well as ‘how' you make street photographs and force you to see your own work in the wider context of the history and global community of street photography.

Nick will work with you to improve both your practical street photography camera craft as well as your intellectual and creative approach to candid public photography.

It will be a unique and unmissable opportunity to learn from a great artist. The workshop (in english) will take place at Photoscaglia Studio (former Lux Art Gallery – Via De Rittmeyer, 7/A – Trieste) and on the streets of Trieste city center.

Please note: spots are limited and the request is high: if you are interested, register now!


Saturday 26 October 2019

Morning 9.00-14.00

  • Introductions and gauging students photographic experience.
  • Street Photography Definitions and Motivations.
  • Street Photography History and present context.
  • The difference between taking a Photograph and making a Picture.
  • Constructing a Street Photograph.
  • Strategies for working on the street.

Lunch Break together 14.00-15.00

Afternoon 15.00-17.00

  • Shooting a brief on the street with Nick.
  • Edit and send images to Nick overnight.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Morning 9.00-14.00

  • Review of previous afternoons images.
  • Finding your voice within street photography.
  • Projects and Styles.
  • Exploring Street Photographers who have a distinctive and recognisable
  • personal vision.


To register for the workshop, you must be a dotART member for 2019 (membership fee: 10 euros) and fill out the membership form here.
The cost of the workshop changes according to the payment method. Send an email with your personal data to info@triestephotodays.com and choose a payment method.

Payment by bank transfer
€ 250 + dotART membership fee (€ 10)
IBAN IT43F0306909606100000010209 / Cod. BIC / SWIFT: BCITITMM
Reason "Nick Turpin Workshop + Your name".


PayPal payment to www.paypal.me/dotart
€ 260 + dotART membership fee (€ 10)

Nick Turpin
Nick Turpin is a London based street photographer. In 2000 he was the founder of the iN-PUBLiC street photographers group which played a significant role in the modern resurgence of interest in street photography as an approach.
Nick is the Art Director of STREET LONDON and creator of the #canpubphoto initiative to identify candid public photography online. Nick is also an experienced advertising, design and editorial photographer with major campaigns under his belt for brands such as IBM, Toyota, Barclays Bank and Jaguar. His recent book On The Night Bus explores the lives of London Bus commuters traveling home in the winter months. Nick has taught Street Photography for The Tate Gallery, Sony World Photography Organization, The Discovery Channel and Apple.

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