Exhibition from 28 October to 13 November 2022
Palazzo Costanzi, Sala “Umberto Veruda”
Passo Costanzi 2 - Trieste
Opening hours:
28, 29 e 30 October 2022, ore 10-13 e 15-20
Monday to Sunday, ore 10-13 e 17-20
Thanks to the support of Movimento Donne Impresa FVG - Confartigianato Imprese
In collaboration with Pordenonelegge
Also this year the associations dotART and Exhibit Around APS have conceived a great photographic tribute to be presented at the Trieste Photo Days festival, following the successful projects exhibited during the past editions: the homages to Martin Parr (Short Street Stories, 2019), Alex Webb (Chromantic, 2020) and to street photography (Tales of the Unwritten, 2021).
2022 is the year of WOW - Worlds of Women, the collective project dedicated to the female universe and the thousands of galaxies inhabiting it.
WOW - Worlds of Women is made up of a photographic volume, an exhibition and a series of meetings. It is a huge unanimous homage which includes photographic works characterized by a heterogeneous style able to cast an original glance at women’s life worldwide, thus exploring the female figure, maternity, gender gap, social engagement, nonconforming femininity, work, culture, art and much more.
The volume will contain the works of 189 photographers from all over the world, selected among the more than 480 who have participated in the open call, thus putting forward 4,000 photographs and 320 portfolios. Each author has dealt with the theme through the photographic genre that most suits them: portrait, street photography, social reportage, documentary photography, fashion photography and fine-art.
Special guest to the project is Susan Meiselas, one of the most influent documentary photographers in the world, member of the famous Magnum Photos agency and president of the Magnum Foundation.
Inspired by the WOW - Worlds of Women volume, the important collective exhibition will take place within the 2022 edition of Trieste Photo Days at the ‘U. Veruda’ hall, in the heart of the city.
On display photos by: Adree Chan, Agata Mendziuk, Ailen Maleta, Alan Millin, Alessia Santambrogio, Alessia Santambrogio, Alessio Nicastro, Alexandre Chaym, Alida Volpi, Ana Paula Pereira, Andrea Scirè, Andrew Wajs, Andrey Smolnikov, Aurelija Pakeltyte, Barbara Cecchini, Barbara Tozzi, Biagio Salerno, Carla Davila, Chantal Pinzi, Chris Goodyear, Clara Beatriz Saboia, Claudia Alberti, Cristina Corsi & Antonio Lorenzini, Daniela Calò, Daniele Faverzani, Daniella Hehmann, Dimitrios Paterakis, Edita Bízová, Elena Alexandra, Elisa La Gala, Elizaveta Kalinina, Ellen Jacob, Emanuele Vincenzi, Emilie Grand-Clement, Emilio Senesi, Emmanuelle Becker, Enrica Ridolfi, Enrico De Santis, Filipe Bianchi, Fiorella Baldisserri, Francesca Codogno, Francesca Murgia, Francesca Salice, Gabriele Gentile, Gaia Marangon, Georg Worecki, Georgia Kontodimou, Gerhard Wagner, Ghiora Szabo, Giancarla Pancera, Gianni Olivetti, Gio Barto, Giovanna Morassutti, Gloria Bergagnini, Guilherme Lima, Guilherme Lima, Harry Giglio, Helmut Oberritter, Hrayr Attarian, Ilaria Tassini, Immacolata Giordano, Inge Colijn, Ingrida Urbonavičienė, Isabella Franceschini, Jim Lustenader, Joanna Madloch, Jose Gaston Barriga, Joshua Mazé, Judy King, Judy Weiser, Julia Blueberry, Julie Kerbel, Katarzyna Leszczynska-Kaszuba, Keryn Huang, Licia Melani, Livia Krassuski, Lora Gorodetsky, Lorenzo Giaccone, Lotz Andreas, Lu Furne, Luca Dell’Anna, Luca Regoli, Luca Sorato, Luciano Lattanzi, Luigi Cipriano, Luisa Montagna, Marcello Mariella, María Eugenia Cancino Chacón, Maria Safarewicz, Maria Tomas-Rodriguez, Marina Spironetti, Marine Fonteyne, Marioluca Bariona, Markos Agianniotakis, Marzena Hans, Massimo Tabasso, Mateja Babnik, Maude Bardet, Max De Barbanson, Max De Barbanson, Melissa Lackey, Mengyao Xu, Mersedé Mirshamsi, Mirja Maria Thiel, Mirna Costa, Nadezhda Bakina, Narelle Delle Baite, Natalie Truchsess, Natascha Auenhammer, Nicola Bardi, Nicolas St-Pierre, Nicole Vittoria De Jager, Oana Pughineanu, Olena Denysyuk, Olga Glotova, Ora Buerkli, Orietta Masala, Orna Naor, Pablo Ritossa, Pantaleo Musarò, Paolo Dellepiane, Paolo Ricca, Paolo Ricca, Patricia Richards, Patricia Richards, Patricia Richards, Patrick Peters, Patrizia Chiarparin, Patrizia Pezzino, Peter Devenyi, Peter Salzmann, Philippe Chung, Philippe Chung, Pia Parolin, Rachel Nixon, Regula Tschumi, Rita Miranda, Ritha Fellerman, Roberto Malagoli, Romain Miot, Rosella Tapella, Ruxanda Stegaru, Sandra Resende, Sandra Weller, Sanja Buterin, Sara Carraretto, Sara Giuliani, Sara Konradi, Sibel Ali, Silvana Gallio, Sofia Erto, Stefania Seddio, Susanne Grether, Sven Delaye, Syndi Pilar, Syndi Pilar, Tatiana Sanina, Tess Mazuet, Umberto Cenedese, Valentina D’Alia, Valeria Laudani, Valeria Laudani, Vincenzo Finamora, Waldemar Ostrowski, Ximena Echague, Yamile Alfaro Picco, Yana Mykytiuk.