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Sandro Parmiggiani

Born in Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia, Italy) in 1946, he studied in Italy and the USA. Art critic and historian, writer for newspapers and magazines (including “Il Giornale dell’Arte”), and author of various presentation texts (monographic and group), essays in volumes and catalogues – over 250 titles -, and curator of reasoned catalogs of the pictorial and graphic work of various artists. From the opening, in 1997, to 2010, was curator of the exhibition activities of Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia. Among the exhibitions he curated directly in the Reggio Emilia exhibition space, in addition to those dedicated to important painters and sculptors, and collections of graphic works, artist books and photographs, particular attention was paid to the photographic image: André Kertesz, Eugene Smith, Luigi Ghirri, Arnold Newman, Memoria dei campi, Tibet perduto (“Memory of the Fields, Tibet Lost”) by Fosco Maraini, Route 66 by Franco Fontana, Edward ‘Sheriff’ Curtis, Li Zhensheng, the anthologies by Stanislao Farri, by Vasco Ascolini, by Gérard Castello-Lopes, Francisco Infante, James Natchwey, Werner Bischof, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Francesco Zizola, Michael Kenna, the exhibitions of Mario De Biasi and Carla Cerati, the great exhibition volto della follia. Cent’anni di immagini del dolore (“The face of madness. One hundred years of images of pain”). After 2010 he curated exhibitions for European Photography, in Reggio Emilia, dedicated to Franco Fontana, Michael Kenna, Ferdinando Scianna, Stanislao Farri, Nino Best, Carla Cerati, and in 2012 he curated the anthological exhibition and the catalog for Palazzo Magnani by Don McCullin. In recent years he has curated various exhibitions in public institutions and private Italian and foreign galleries, dedicated to painters, sculptors and photographers.
For the past fifteen years, he has been a professor of Contemporary art management systems in the Master of Science in Management of Artistic and Cultural Heritage at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan.

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