Mythography – Vol. 01 contain photos and projects freely inspired by three divinities of the Greek / Latin pantheon: Mars, Saturn and Neptune, which will represent the themes of war reportage, historical / social reportage and the power of nature.
The book is edited and introduced by Enrico Medda, Professor of Greek Literature at the University of Pisa. Special guest: the great Francesco Cito, one of the greatest Italian photojournalists.
On display the best authors of the Mythography – Vol. 01 project, selected by the Exhibit Around editorial team
- Best Author: Louisa Maria Gouliamaki (Poland)
- Honorable mention: Andrey Smolnikov (Russia)
- Honorable mention: Cristiano Zingale (Italy)
- Honorable mention: Eduard Korniyenko (Russia)
- Honorable mention: Francesca Codogno (Italy)
- Honorable mention: Maurizio Leonardi (Italy)
- Honorable mention: Ron Haviv (USA)
- Honorable mention: Teresa Meier (USA
and two Cito portfolios: “Sardegna” and “Conflitti in bianco & nero”