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“Devouring Shadows” – Luca Valenta & Collective Exposition @ Eppinger

Eppinger | Via Dante, 2 - Trieste, Italy Friday, 20 September 2019 - Sunday, 24 November 2019 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Photos: Renzo Donati, Raluca Butnaru, Niccolò Corvini, Mario Fazio, Marco Brendolini, Enrica Ridolfi, Davide Gatti, Dario Zambello, Daria Orlianska, Carolina Cantore.


Devouring Shadows - Luca Valenta

We walk around the cities without a real destination, in search of those human connections that are increasingly requested of us but that normally live only behind the screen of a smartphone.<br />
Even when we meet someone on the street, we each travel on our tracks. In these parallel solitudes all we have left is not letting ourselves be devoured by the shadows that closes all around and within us, trying to hold on to what little light remained.


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