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“Visual Rhapsody” – Michele Paggetta & Collective Exposition @ Adoro Cafè

Adoro Cafè | Via di Cavana, 8 - Trieste, Italy Friday, 20 September 2019 - Sunday, 24 November 2019 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Portfolio: "Visual Rhapsody" - Michele Paggetta

Photos: Antonella Pellegrino, Barbara Ebner, Daniel Heilig, Dominika Koszowska, Enrica Ridolfi, Giovanni Polizzi, Jens Kruse, Maurizio Sartoretto, Michela Bari, Umberto Cenedese.


Visual Rhapsody - Michele Paggetta

Visual rhapsody or a subtle fil rouge that unites and concatenates the photographic images of this exhibition of mine. Visions, architectures, geometries and human glances united by a single creative game with reality.

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