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Manca Juvan

Manca Juvan (1981) has a BA in Photography and more than two decades of working experience throughout the field and around the world. She’s established herself in the field of journalism and documentary photography, in recent years developing a particular interest and passion for books and motion pictures as forms.

She’s collaborated with Slovenian and foreign media, including The Times, The Guardian, The New York Times. 

Her internationally acclaimed monographsAfghanistan: (Un)ordinary Lives and Guardians of the Spoon” have been published by Sanje and ZRC SAZU. She’s the recipient of numerous awards, nominations and scholarships, including the Magnum Foundation’s in 2011. She’s had many solo and group exhibitions at home and abroad, including at the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, as well as other gallery venues and festivals in New York, Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris and elsewhere. 

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