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New Photography Open Call - cover

Mythography vol. 3: exhibition opening. With Jérôme Sessini and Professor Enrico Medda

Sala Xenia | Riva Tre Novembre / Angolo Via Mazzini - Trieste, Italy Friday, 27 October 2023 5:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Curated by Enrico Medda, professor of Greek literature at the University of Pisa

Launched in 2021, Mythography is a series of collective photographic books freely inspired by Greek and Roman mythology, which lead to exhibitions and conferences in the international setting of Trieste Photo Days.

After Mythography vol. 1 dedicated to Mars, Saturn and Neptune and Mythography vol. 2 dedicated to Apollo and Pluto; Mythography vol. 3 focuses on the figures of Diana, goddess of the hunt, the moon and the forest; Minerva, warrior goddess patroness of intelligence and the arts and Ceres goddess of fertility and agriculture.

The Magnum Photographer Jérôme Sessini is special guest of the book. The scientific consultant is Enrico Medda, professor of Greek literature at the University of Pisa, who has already collaborated on the first two volumes of the series.

The volume includes photos and projects by authors from all over the world, selected through a free open call on the Exhibit Around platform.

On dispaly photos by:

Alessandro Gamberini, Alex Premoli, Andrea Salvucci, Anil Purohit, Anna Piwowarska-Sosik, Antonino Clemenza, Antonis Giakoumakis, Biagio Salerno, Brandon Byeongbeom Kim, Chetan Shashi Suresh Dodwad, Chiara Pulin, Claudia Gagliardi, Cristiano Zingale, Cristina Embil, Cristina Garlesteanu, Cristina Morettini, Donato Porzia, Elisa Medeot, Enrico Medda, Foivos Stampoliadis, Francesca Codogno, Francesca Saccani, Franco Gardiman, Giustina Wind, Jérôme Sessini, Jorge Cascalho, Luca Menotti, Maria Piera Branca, Mariolino Laudati, Marisa Pia Boscia, Mariya Maslova, Massimo Tabasso, Maurizio Anfossi, Mauro Monachino, Nicki Panou, Olga Arune, Pablo Charnas, Paolo Dellepiane, Rayhan Ahmed, Renzo Schiratti, Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra, Roberto Di Ottavio, Roberto Malagoli, Rosario Parisi, Sax Palumbo, Sergey Mekhren'gin, Silvia Abbiezzi, Silvia Chamorro, Silvia Sanna, Sven Delaye, Tatiana Sanina, Vitalik Dyachik, Yuri Pritisk.

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