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Trieste Photo Young 2021 opening

Sala Arturo Fittke | Piazza Piccola, 3 - Trieste , Italy Saturday, 30 October 2021 12:30 pm to 12:30 pm

Trieste Photo Young is a new free contest dedicated to photographers under 30, promoted by the dotART cultural association with the support of the Pietro Pittini Foundation and in collaboration with the PAG - Youth Area Project of the Municipality of Trieste, as part of the Trieste Photo international festival Days 2021.
Trieste Photo Young aims to discover, support and reward young photographers by offering them a prestigious exhibition space during the eighth edition of Trieste Photo Days.
An innovative and exciting contest divided into two parts: a first group stage and a second knockout stage (with round of 32, round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals and final), along the lines of the World Cup. The evolution of the contest is available on the young.triestephotodays.com website, where the updated rankings are published as the jury votes.
The contest took place online up to the quarterfinals, while the semifinals and the final take place live during the Trieste Photo Days, where the jurors present will decide the winning photo.

Sala Arturo Fittke hosts the group show with 32 photos classified in the round of 32, together with a selection of photos by local authors classified in the groups.

On display photos by: Akash Singh | Alexis Naudin | Andrei Shkliaev | Anna Poloneeva | Anna Sinyavskaya | Ayanava Sil | Ayman Nakib Badhan | Charlotte Boiron | Choudhary Sunil | Eleonora Canino | Eleonora Giurgevich | Florian Pötsch | Francesca Zolli | Giacomo Fabris | José Antonio Flores García | Joseph Rahul | Joy Saha | Julia Khalilova | Lorenzo Martincich | Michela Stigliano | Mohit Khetrapal | Monica Sposito | Mustafa Abdulhadi | Mustafa Gholami | Nasim Mansoori | Nayeem Siddiquee | Niccoló Corvini | Oğuzhan Hacısalihoğlu | Pasquale Serraino | Péter Király | Pubarun Basu | Rmin Naseri | Saber Bakhtiari | Seyes Mohsen Peiravinezhad | Shubhodeep Roy | Simone Scarpa | Subhashis Halder | Suvajit Mukherjee | Takrim Ahmed Makka Madina | Yuri Chernyshov

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