“Patriarcato di Aquileia”: exhibition, award ceremony and book presentation at the Photo Days Tour 2020 – Aquileia
Via Popone Patriarca - Aquielia
Saturday 17 October 2020
The photographic project Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia will be officially presented on Saturday 17 October 2020 with a double collective exhibition: at 10.30 am at the Museo del Territorio di Cormòns (GO) and at 4.00 pm at the Palazzo Meizlik in Aquileia (UD).
The double exhibition is part of the Photo Days Tour, a setting of events taking place outside the city during the Trieste Photo Days festival.
Museo del Territorio di Cormòns (exhibition)
Saturday 17 October 2020, 10.30 am
We will present the collective exhibition showing a selection of the best photos of the project Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia (different from the photos exhibited in Aquileia).
Angela Borzacconi, director of the National Archaeological Museum of Cividale, who oversaw the historical introduction to the volume, will give a speech.
On display at the Museo del Territorio photos of: Alberto Benussi, Andrea Rossato, Antonella Medici, Claudio Ceron, Enzo Tedeschi, Fabiana Stranich, Franca Peratoner, Franco Gardiman, Gigliola Colausig, Giovanna Morassutti, Ivano De Simon, Michela Clinec, Monica Ravalico, Nicola Bardi, Nicola Bertellotti, Paolo Bullo, Pierluigi Bumbaca, Renzo Donati, Renzo Schiratti, Riccardo Moretti, Roberto Furlan, Samantha Degrassi, Stefano Murello, Veronica Croccia.
Palazzo Meizlik, Aquileia (exhibition, book presentation and award ceremony)
Saturday 17 October 2020, 4 pm
We will present the collective exhibition showing a selection of the best photos of the project Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia (different from the photos exhibited in Cormòns), and the historical/photographic volume.
Angela Borzacconi, director of the National Archaeological Museum of Cividale, who oversaw the historical introduction to the volume, will give a speech.
In addition, we will award a medal to the best authors present:
- Best Author » Franco Gardiman
- Honorable Mention » Alberto Benussi
- Honorable Mention » Claudio Ceron
- Honorable Mention » Renzo Donati
- Honorable Mention » Samantha Degrassi
On display at Palazzo Meizlik photos of: Alberto Benussi, Alberto Pirazzoli, Andrea Rossato, Angelo Salvin, Claudio Ceron, Diocleziano Galella, Egidio Cignolin, Fabiana Stranich, Franca Peratoner, Franco Gardiman, Gigliola Colausig, Giulia Cargnelli, Maristella Campolunghi, Michela Clinec, Mimma Livini, Nicola Bardi, Nicola Bertellotti, Paolo Bullo, Pierluigi Bumbaca, Renzo Donati, Renzo Schiratti, Roberto Furlan, Samantha Degrassi, Serafino Staurini, Stefano Murello, Tullio Marega, Veronica Croccia.
Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia is a project realized by dotART / Exhibit Around with the support of the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, in partnership with the Segretariato Regionale MiBACT FVG, the Direzione Regionale Musei MiBACT FVG, the Municipality of Aquileia, the Municipality of Cormòns and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cividale del Friuli.
The objective is to produce a photographic mapping of the cities of the former Patriarchate, on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the fall of the “Patria del Friuli” by the Republic of Venice. Angela Borzacconi, director of the National Archaeological Museum of Cividale, collaborates to the project as scientific consultant.
The Museo del Territorio will then show photos of the Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia and Generazioni projects. And Palazzo Meizlik will show photos of the Sulle tracce dello Stato Patriarcale di Aquileia and photos of the Staying Home Together projects. Both venues will also exhibit the best photos classified in the URBAN 2020 Photo Awards competition.