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Natalya Saprunova

Natalya Saprunova, born in the arctic region of Russia in Murmansk, is a freelance documentary photographer. In Russia, she worked as a photojournalist for a daily newspaper “The Messenger of Murmansk” during her studies to become a french teacher.

Arriving in France in 2008, she studied and worked in Marketing in Paris and became a French citizen. In the end of 2016, she abandoned her permanent contract to return to photography. She studied Documentary photojournalism at the Ecole des Métiers de l’Information in Paris. Natalya now teaches photography at Graine de Photographe school in Paris and does documentary reportages.

She is a member of the french photo agency Zeppelin. Natalya is a prize-winner in various competitions. Her topics are the transformation of societies, identity, youth, spirituality and femininity.


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