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“Generazioni” book presentation

Sala Xenia | Riva Tre Novembre / Angolo Via Mazzini - Trieste, Italy Friday, 23 October 2020 11:00 am to 11:00 am

Generazioni is a project focused on the elders, putting together photography and poetry.

A project created by dotART / Exhibit Around in collaboration with the AsSostegno association and the ITIS of Trieste.

Generazioni speaks about the Great Age in an innovative way through the photographic-poetic mixture. Old people pictured in their daily life, in urban space or at home: historical memory of society, heritage to be valued, messengers of culture, wisdom, traditions and values. A bridge between different generations, a connection to promote dialogue and understanding between elders and young people.

Altri eventi
Premiazione de La Battaglia dei Circoli 2024
Premiazione della Lettura Portfolio dedicata ad Adriano Perini di Photo Imago
Massimo Siragusa
Massimo Siragusa: La fotografia come progetto
Matteo Trevisan presenta "Il me país al è colòur smarít"
La Città Doppia

Table of Contents