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Photo Days Tour Opening – Aquileia

Municipio di Aquileia - Sala Consiliare | Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi - Aquileia, Italy Saturday, 2 November 2019 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Saturday 2 November 2019 at 3pm there will be the presentation of the collective exhibition of the Photo Days Tour at the Council Chamber of Aquielia (UD). For the occasion, the art director of the festival with the curators and the authors present will hold a guided tour of the exhibition. The event will take place in the context of Aquileia Gaudemus, an event to discover the beauties of Aquileia, learn about its community and experience its territory through the history, art and food and wine that make this city a cultural capital of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Photos by: Aldo Trozzi, Andrea Misurova, Andrew Szatmari, Antonella Platania, Beatrice Giannitelli, Birgit Lu Mazen, Coralie Maneri, Davide Canali, Davy Liger, Dominika Koszowska, Federico Dessardo, Filippo Ferraro, Georg Worecki, Giuseppe Ulizio, Hansa Tangmanpoowadol , Heinz Poeschko, Jasmine Cattai, John Culbertson, Luca Iacono, Malgorzata Mikolajczyk, Marco Della Pasqua, Marco Lambardi, Maria Pansini, Matteo Garzonio, Ramon Cabello, Rouben Alaverdian, Umberto Lucarelli, Valeria Baldoni.

Projects: Mattia Pasini - Shadows And Reflections.


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