TPD 2020 – Saturday 24 October 2020

Please note: to allow compliance with the distancing rules for the containment of the Coronavirus contagion, admission to the festival events is free while seats last.

Saturday 24 October 2020



  • Mostre Mostre
    Mostra speciale alla Stazione Centrale di Trieste
    Thursday 8 October 2020 »» Sunday 8 November 2020

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

    Stazione F.S. Trieste Centrale, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Cronache immaginarie di un domatore di cavalli - Lorenzo Zoppolato
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 25 October 2020

    Un racconto fotografico nel quale l'autore narra le vicende visionarie di un domatore di cavalli. La realtà si mescola con...

    Sala Xenia, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Thank God for my life - Carlo Barberio
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 25 October 2020

    Thank God for my life è la storia di semplici ragazze africane che hanno l’ambizione di trasferirsi e sistemarsi in...

    Sala Xenia, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Trieste tra Passato, Presente, Futuro
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 25 October 2020

    Trieste tra Passato, Presente, Futuro è un nuovo tributo collettivo alla nostra città natale. Una raccolta di foto e portfolio/progetti...

    Sala Xenia, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Chromantic - Tribute to Alex Webb
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 8 November 2020

    Launched by dotART cultural association through its platform Exhibit Around, Chromantic was born as an ambitious collective tribute to Alex...

    Sala “U. Veruda”, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Winning projects of the “Sartorio” Museum prize-exhibition announced
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 2 May 2021

    On display projects by Julia Runge (Germany), Chiara Panariti & Gianfranco Ferraro (Italy), Romain Thiery (France), Antonio Tartaglia (Italy)

    Civico Museo Sartorio, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    URBAN 2020 Photo Awards - Winner's Exhibit
    Friday 23 October 2020 »» Sunday 25 October 2020

    On display winning photos and projects of the eleventh edition of URBAN Photo Awards.

    Sala Xenia, Trieste

  • Mostre Mostre
    Women Street Photographers
    Saturday 24 October 2020 »» Friday 20 November 2020

    The large itinerant collective Women Street Photographer will be for the first time in Italy, in Trieste, at Trieste Photo...

    Accademia Scaglia, Trieste

Photo Days Tour

Trieste Photo Fringe