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Award ceremony TPD Book Award 2019

Sala Xenia | Riva Tre Novembre / Angolo Via Mazzini - Trieste, Italy Saturday, 26 October 2019 7:45 pm to 8:00 pm

Award ceremony and presentation of the winning project of the TPD Book Award 2019, free call for the selection of an author's photographic project to be produced as a book. The aim is to give the winning photographer the opportunity to produce and promote his own photographic project at an international level, which will be published as a printed volume by dotART.
The first edition of the prize, in 2017, was won by the Japanese Tadashi Onishi with Lost in Shinjuku, while last year there were two ex aequo winners: the Greek Zisis Kardianos, with the project InLimbo and the Japanese Hiro Tanaka with Around 42nd and 7th.


Altri eventi
Premiazione de La Battaglia dei Circoli 2024
Premiazione della Lettura Portfolio dedicata ad Adriano Perini di Photo Imago
Massimo Siragusa
Massimo Siragusa: La fotografia come progetto
Matteo Trevisan presenta "Il me país al è colòur smarít"
La Città Doppia

Table of Contents